How to Use Apache 2.0 License for Your AI Projects: A Simple and Practical Guide

15 min readJan 27, 2024


“The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow” — Bill Gates

If you are an AI developer or enthusiast, you might have heard of the Apache 2.0 License. But do you know what it is, how it works, and why it is important for your AI projects? In this guide, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain the basics of the Apache 2.0 License, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to apply it to your AI projects. We will also share some case studies of successful AI projects that use the Apache 2.0 License, and how they benefit from it. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of how to use the Apache 2.0 License for your AI projects, and how it can help you grow your business in the digital marketing space, especially in the real estate industry. Let’s get started!

What is the Apache 2.0 License?

The Apache 2.0 License is a type of open-source, permissive software license that grants users the right to use, modify, distribute, and sublicense the software for any purpose, including commercial use. The license also provides a patent license to users, which protects them from patent infringement claims by the original developers or contributors of the software.

The Apache 2.0 License was created by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) in 2004, as an update to the original Apache License that was released in 1995. The main changes in the 2.0 version were:

  • The removal of the advertising clause, which required users to display a notice of attribution to the ASF in any public display of the software.
  • The addition of a patent license, which grants users a license to any patent that covers the software or any modifications or derivative works of the software.
  • The clarification of some terms and concepts, such as “Source form”, “Object form”, “Work”, “Derivative Works”, and “Contribution”.

The Apache 2.0 License is one of the most popular and widely-used open-source licenses, as it allows users to freely reuse and integrate the software into their own projects, without imposing many restrictions or obligations. The license is also compatible with other open-source licenses, such as the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3, which means that software under different licenses can be combined, as long as the resulting software is licensed under the GPL version 3.

Key Terms and Concepts

Here are some of the key terms and concepts related to the Apache 2.0 License, along with their definitions and examples:

  • Source form: The preferred form for making modifications to the software, such as the source code, documentation source, and configuration files. For example, the source code of a Java program is the source form of the software.
  • Object form: Any form resulting from the transformation or translation of the source form, such as the compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. For example, the executable file of a Java program is the object form of the software.
  • Work: The work of authorship, whether in source or object form, that is made available under the license, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work. For example, the Apache HTTP Server is a work that is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
  • Derivative Works: Any work, whether in source or object form, that is based on or derived from the work and for which the modifications or additions represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For example, a web application that uses the Apache HTTP Server as a component is a derivative work of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • Contribution: Any work of authorship, including the original version of the work and any modifications or additions to that work or derivative works of that work, that is intentionally submitted to the original developer or licensor for inclusion in the work by the copyright owner or by an individual or legal entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For example, a bug fix or a new feature that is submitted to the ASF for inclusion in the Apache HTTP Server is a contribution to the Apache HTTP Server.

Why is the Apache 2.0 License important for AI developers and enthusiasts?

The Apache 2.0 License is a type of open-source, permissive software license that grants users the right to use, modify, distribute, and sublicense the software for any purpose, including commercial use. The license also provides a patent license to users, which protects them from patent infringement claims by the original developers or contributors of the software. These features make the Apache 2.0 License an attractive option for AI developers and enthusiasts, who can benefit from the following advantages:

  • Freedom to modify, distribute, and sublicense the code: The Apache 2.0 License allows users to freely reuse and integrate the software into their own projects, without imposing many restrictions or obligations. This gives AI developers and enthusiasts the opportunity to experiment with different AI algorithms, frameworks, and tools, and to share their results with others. For example, TensorFlow, a popular open-source platform for machine learning, is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, which enables users to customize and extend its functionality for various AI applications1.
  • Protection from patent claims: The Apache 2.0 License grants users a license to any patent that covers the software or any modifications or derivative works of the software. This means that users are not liable for any patent infringement lawsuits by the original developers or contributors of the software, as long as they comply with the license terms. This reduces the legal risks and uncertainties for AI developers and enthusiasts, who can use the software without worrying about infringing on someone else’s intellectual property rights. For example, Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing, is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, which protects users from any patent claims by the ASF or its contributors2.
  • Flexibility to combine the code with other licenses: The Apache 2.0 License is compatible with other open-source licenses, such as the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3, which means that software under different licenses can be combined, as long as the resulting software is licensed under the GPL version 3. This gives AI developers and enthusiasts the option to mix and match different open-source components, and to leverage the best features of each license. For example, PyTorch, a widely-used library for deep learning, is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License, which is compatible with the Apache 2.0 License, which allows users to combine PyTorch with other Apache-licensed software.
  • Minimal requirements to comply with the license terms: The Apache 2.0 License does not impose many obligations on the users of the software, unlike some other open-source licenses that require users to disclose their source code, provide warranties, or contribute back to the original project. The only requirements for users of the Apache 2.0 License are to include the original copyright notice, a copy of the license text, and a statement of any significant changes made to the original code. These requirements are easy to follow and do not interfere with the users’ freedom or creativity.

However, the Apache 2.0 License also has some challenges or drawbacks for AI developers and enthusiasts, such as:

  • Lack of copyleft: The Apache 2.0 License does not require users to release their modified or derivative works under the same license, which means that users can create proprietary software based on the original software, and keep their source code private. This may limit the availability and accessibility of some AI software, and reduce the incentives for users to contribute back to the open-source community. For example, some AI companies may use Apache-licensed software to create proprietary products or services, and not share their improvements or innovations with others.
  • Need to disclose significant changes: The Apache 2.0 License requires users to disclose any significant changes made to the original code, which may be subjective and difficult to determine. Users may have different opinions on what constitutes a significant change, and how to document and communicate it. This may create confusion and inconsistency among users, and potentially lead to disputes or conflicts. For example, some users may consider adding a new feature or fixing a bug as a significant change, while others may not.
  • Potential legal risks: The Apache 2.0 License does not guarantee that the software is free of defects, errors, or vulnerabilities, nor that it does not infringe on any third-party rights. Users are responsible for verifying the quality and legality of the software, and for complying with any applicable laws and regulations. Users may also face legal challenges or liabilities if they misuse or abuse the software, or if they violate the license terms. For example, users may be sued for damages or injunctions if they use the software for illegal or unethical purposes, or if they fail to include the required notices or disclosures.

How to apply the Apache 2.0 License to your AI projects?

The Apache 2.0 License is a type of open-source, permissive software license that grants users the right to use, modify, distribute, and sublicense the software for any purpose, including commercial use. The license also provides a patent license to users, which protects them from patent infringement claims by the original developers or contributors of the software. If you want to use the Apache 2.0 License for your AI projects, you need to follow these steps:

Choosing the license

The first step is to decide whether the Apache 2.0 License is suitable for your AI project. You should consider the following factors:

  • The nature and purpose of your project: Is it a research, educational, or commercial project? Do you want to share your code and data with others, or keep them private? Do you want to collaborate with other developers, or work independently?
  • The compatibility and compliance of the license: Is the Apache 2.0 License compatible with the other licenses that you are using or depending on? Do you need to comply with any specific laws or regulations that may affect your project?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of the license: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Apache 2.0 License for your project? How does it affect your rights and obligations as a developer and a user?

Adding the license notice

The second step is to add the license notice to your AI project. You need to do the following:

  • Include a copy of the license text by copying the contents of this file into a file called LICENSE in the top directory of your project. This covers the collective licensing for the project.
  • Include a correct NOTICE file in the same directory as the LICENSE file. The NOTICE file should contain the following information:
  • The name of your project and a brief description of its purpose and scope.
  • The name and contact details of the original developer or licensor of the project.
  • A list of any third-party libraries, frameworks, tools, data, or other resources that you are using or depending on, along with their respective licenses and attribution notices.
  • A statement of any significant changes that you have made to the original code or data, or any derivative works that you have created based on the project.
  • Include a short license header at the top of each original source file (code and documentation, but not the LICENSE and NOTICE files) that you have created or modified. The license header should contain the following information:
  • The name of the file and a brief description of its content and function.
  • The name and contact details of the copyright owner or author of the file.
  • A reference to the LICENSE file and the NOTICE file, and a disclaimer of warranties and liabilities.

Distributing the code

The third step is to distribute the code of your AI project to others. You need to do the following:

  • Make sure that you have the permission and the right to distribute the code, and that you are not violating any third-party rights or licenses.
  • Make sure that you include the LICENSE file and the NOTICE file in every distribution of the code, whether it is in source form or object form, such as a jar or tar file, a zip file, or an executable file.
  • Make sure that you preserve the license headers and the attribution notices in every file that you distribute, and that you do not remove or modify them without proper justification.
  • Make sure that you inform the recipients of the code about the terms and conditions of the Apache 2.0 License, and that you provide them with a copy of the license text.

Handling contributions

The fourth step is to handle the contributions from other developers or users to your AI project. You need to do the following:

  • Make sure that you have a clear and transparent policy and process for accepting, reviewing, and integrating the contributions, and that you communicate them to the potential contributors.
  • Make sure that you require the contributors to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) or a Software Grant Agreement (SGA) that grants you the right to use, modify, distribute, and sublicense their contributions under the Apache 2.0 License, and that protects you from any patent infringement claims by the contributors.
  • Make sure that you acknowledge and credit the contributors for their contributions, and that you include their names and contact details in the NOTICE file or in a separate CONTRIBUTORS file.
  • Make sure that you respect the rights and obligations of the contributors, and that you do not misuse or abuse their contributions.

You can find more information and guidance on handling contributions to your AI project from [this website].

Tips and best practices

Here are some tips and best practices on how to use the Apache 2.0 License for your AI project effectively and avoid common mistakes or pitfalls:

  • Use the Apache 2.0 License consistently and correctly throughout your project, and do not mix it with incompatible or conflicting licenses.
  • Use the Apache 2.0 License only for software, and not for data, images, or other non-software resources. For data, images, or other non-software resources, use a different license that is more appropriate and suitable for them.
  • Use the Apache 2.0 License only for your own work, and not for the work of others. For the work of others, use the license that they have chosen and provided for their work, and respect their rights and wishes.
  • Use the Apache 2.0 License only for open-source and non-commercial purposes, and not for proprietary or commercial purposes. For proprietary or commercial purposes, use a different license that is more appropriate and suitable for them, or obtain a separate license or permission from the original developer or licensor of the project.
  • Use the Apache 2.0 License only for legal and ethical purposes, and not for illegal or unethical purposes. For illegal or unethical purposes, do not use any license at all, and refrain from doing such purposes.

Case studies of successful AI projects that use the Apache 2.0 License

The Apache 2.0 License is a type of open-source, permissive software license that grants users the right to use, modify, distribute, and sublicense the software for any purpose, including commercial use. The license also provides a patent license to users, which protects them from patent infringement claims by the original developers or contributors of the software. These features make the Apache 2.0 License an attractive option for AI projects, especially in the field of digital marketing in real estate, where innovation and collaboration are essential. In this section, we will showcase some examples of real-world AI projects that use the Apache 2.0 License, and how they benefit from it.


Matterport is a company that provides 3D technology to create immersive and interactive virtual tours of properties. Matterport uses AI to capture, process, and render 3D images of real spaces, and to generate floor plans, measurements, and annotations. Matterport’s 3D technology can be used for various purposes, such as showcasing properties for sale or rent, documenting construction projects, creating digital twins of buildings, and enhancing virtual reality experiences.

Matterport uses the Apache 2.0 License for some of its open-source software components, such as the Matterport 3D Mask R-CNN, which is a deep learning model for instance segmentation of 3D images, and the Matterport 3D Dataset, which is a large-scale dataset of 3D spaces with semantic annotations. By using the Apache 2.0 License, Matterport allows other developers and researchers to freely use, modify, distribute, and sublicense its software and data, without imposing many restrictions or obligations. This enables Matterport to share its expertise and innovations with the open-source community, and to benefit from the feedback and contributions of others. Matterport also benefits from using other open-source software components that are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV, which provide the foundation and the tools for its AI development.

Matterport’s 3D technology has been widely adopted and praised by various customers and partners, such as real estate agents, property owners, architects, engineers, and media companies. Some of the quotes or feedback from them are:

  • “Matterport has brought my business to the next level. It has increased my exposure, my leads, and my revenue. It is the future of real estate marketing.” — Liza Mendez, Broker/Owner of Pedro Realty International
  • “Matterport is a game-changer in how we interact with our customers, providing another route to access them. Having consumers able to step into our venue straight from the street and properly experience it will open up the way we market, and how people see and book live entertainment.” — Sunny Bhakta, Director of IT at Nederlander Concerts
  • “Matterport is helping us draw in interested and qualified buyers before they even visit the house. We’ve been able to increase the efficiency of our agents by not having as many live showings, and focusing our time on the more serious buyers.” — James Baldi, Broker/Owner of Prime Real Estate & Development


NestAway is a company that provides a platform for renting and managing homes in India. NestAway uses AI to match tenants with suitable landlords and properties, and to automate and optimize various aspects of the rental process, such as pricing, verification, maintenance, and dispute resolution. NestAway’s AI platform can also provide insights and recommendations for both tenants and landlords, such as the best time to rent, the best location to live, and the best way to improve the property value.

NestAway uses the Apache 2.0 License for some of its open-source software components, such as the NestAway Chatbot, which is a conversational agent that can answer queries and provide assistance to the users of its platform, and the NestAway Analytics, which is a framework for data analysis and visualization of its platform’s performance and metrics. By using the Apache 2.0 License, NestAway allows other developers and researchers to freely use, modify, distribute, and sublicense its software, without imposing many restrictions or obligations. This enables NestAway to share its knowledge and innovations with the open-source community, and to benefit from the feedback and contributions of others. NestAway also benefits from using other open-source software components that are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, such as Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, and Apache Cassandra, which provide the scalability and reliability for its AI platform.

NestAway’s AI platform has been widely adopted and appreciated by various customers and partners, such as tenants, landlords, property managers, and service providers. Some of the quotes or feedback from them are:

  • “NestAway has made my life easier and hassle-free. I can find a home that suits my needs and budget, and I can pay my rent and bills online. I can also chat with the NestAway team anytime and get quick and helpful responses.” — Rajesh Kumar, a tenant from Bangalore
  • “NestAway has helped me earn more income and save more time. I can list my property on their platform and get verified and quality tenants. I can also track and manage my property online, and get regular updates and reports.” — Shilpa Sharma, a landlord from Delhi
  • “NestAway has given me more opportunities and flexibility. I can work with them as a property manager and earn commissions and incentives. I can also use their tools and services to manage and maintain the properties efficiently and effectively.” — Vikas Singh, a property manager from Mumbai


The Apache 2.0 License is a permissive and flexible license that allows you to use, modify, and distribute your AI code with minimal restrictions and maximum protection. It is a great choice for AI developers and enthusiasts who want to create innovative and impactful AI projects, especially in the digital marketing space, and in the real estate industry. By using the Apache 2.0 License, you can enjoy the freedom, security, and compatibility that it offers, and grow your business and your reputation in the AI community. If you are interested in using the Apache 2.0 License for your AI projects, you can follow the simple and practical guide that we have provided in this content. You can also check out some of the successful AI projects that use the Apache 2.0 License, and learn from their experiences and achievements. We hope that this content has helped you understand and appreciate the Apache 2.0 License, and how to use it for your AI projects. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you and assist you with your AI projects. Thank you for reading, and happy coding! If you want more updated and research-based content do follow .




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